– Between two thousand and three thousand working people were gathered in front
of the Capitol Building in Lansing to let their legislators know they did NOT
want so-called right-to-work legislation to pass in the lame duck session.
of them had been inside the Capitol but now hey were locked out of the building
itself plausibly due to a disturbance. Adding insult to injury, the thousands
who had come to the Capital were not allowed to occupy the lawn or to speak
from the steps.
Stretched out on the lawn on
either side of the sidewalk were large, nearly empty tents. As I approached I
could hear a speech given by Ronald Reagan being broadcast from somewhere on
the steps.
media will undoubtedly report the arrest of several unruly people in the
Capitol and how the building was locked down for many hours while visitors
stood outside chanting, “Let us in!”. Reporters will likely report that
lawmakers pushed through so-called right-to-work bills while the doors were
locked to visitors and lobbyists.
is what won’t be said, while thousands of working people were being deprived of
access to their elected officials, a few well funded special interests groups was
occupying the lawn, the front steps and the hallways of the Capitol itself. Outside
the building, just over a dozen supporters of so-called right-to-work, backed
by thousands of dollars, had secured the entire front lawn and the steps.
Inside the building a few lobbyists backed by many more thousands of dollars
had secured the attention of Republican lawmakers.
difficult to say what was happening behind the door where Michigan State Police were posted, but the
events outside were Orwellian. The Ronald Reagan speech just kept repeating
itself over and over again to an unreceptive audience. At one point several
people tried to remove or disconnect the speaker. After a bit of activity, most
of which was out of my line of sight, the Gipper resumed his tired old speech
and the audience resorted to chanting and noise-making to drown it out.
the crowd thinned out, I observed that the podium and speaker were guarded by fifteen
Conservatives. One of them must have thought it would be safe to say a few
words because I noticed that Reagan was turned off and then the crowd swelled
and got even louder. I squeezed in and noticed that a man with a microphone and
surrounded by a few supporters was trying desperately to be heard, but the
crowd was just to loud for him and he had to give up.
my perspective it appeared that all the money in the world couldn't bring more
than a few dozen, boots-on-the-ground Conservatives to the Capitol and that the
thousands of working class Progressives had the upper hand. But the battle wasn't being fought outside with a few thousand dollars and a dozen supporters; it was
being fought and won inside with a few lobbyists and many thousands more dollars.
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